Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is The Musician's Way available as an e-book?
Q: How can I learn more about the book?
A: Along with visiting the About page on this site, you can preview the text on Amazon, explore related articles on The Musician’s Way Blog, and read reviews.
Q: Will I find The Musician's Way at my local library?
A: Most university and conservatory libraries own the book, but not all community libraries have acquired it. To submit an acquisition request to a library, visit the library website and submit the following information, according to the library’s instructions:
Title: The Musician’s Way. Author: Gerald Klickstein. Publisher: Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN: 9780195343120 (hardback); 9780195343137 (paperback).
Q: Is The Musician's Way published in languages other than English?
A: A German edition was published by Schott in 2011 with the title Beruf: Musiker. A Japanese edition was released by Yamaha Music Media in September 2018, and a Chinese translation is expected in late 2024. For updates about these and other foreign-language editions, please subscribe to The Musician’s Way Newsletter.
Q: Why is the hardcover edition of The Musician's Way so expensive?
A: The hardcover edition is designed for libraries and book collectors. It features a sewn binding, heavy-duty unjacketed cover, and super-fine paper; it represents the highest standards of bookmaking. The paperback is also of exceptional quality, employing acid-free paper – it’s an outstanding value and is now on sale at Amazon.com.