Music Career Resources
The Musician’s Way helps rising musicians develop crucial professional skills, and the following resources expand on the concepts described in the text.
Music Career Resources and Tools
Indexes of Concert Presenters Directory of classical/jazz presenters, agents, performers.
Association of Performing Arts Presenters
Chamber Music America (classical & jazz)
National Association for Campus Activities
International Performing Arts for Youth
U.S. State & Regional Arts Orgs. A valuable list from the NEA.
U.S. Regional Arts Organizations.
National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (U.S.).
“How to Get Gigs on SonicBids,” by Simon Tam
General Music Business Tools Email newsletter service. Free for lists <500.
PayPal for business. Accept credit card payments on your site.
DistroKid. Distributes your recorded music to 150+ streaming services and stores. You keep all royalties. Only $20/yr to upload unlimited albums & tracks. Ticket and promote concerts and events.
Liability/Event Insurance: Insurance Canopy. Buy mechanical licenses to record & distribute copyrighted music. Collect digital performance royalties.
Direct-to-Fan Platforms | Share recordings and attract fans. Announce and discover classical events.
SongKick Tourbox. Announce performance dates.
Crowdfunding Resources & Tips | |
“The Musician’s Guide to Fan-Funding,” by Jonathan Ostrow
“The Crowdfunding Quandary,” by Ariel Hyatt
Grants & Grant Writing
Resources for Grantseekers. Grant sources & grant writing tips.
The “Funding-First” Grant Cycle. Win more grants!
New Music USA. Fund new American concert music.
Build a Website
1) Tech-challenged musicians: Weebly | Bandzoogle | SquareSpace
2) Tech-knowledgeable:; development tips:
-Speed up page load times: WP Rocket (used by
-Free web-building tutorials:
3) Search engine optimization (free): The Beginner’s Guide to SEO
Audio recording & editing: Audacity (free, open-source, cross-platform)
Music Teacher Resources
Duet Studio Management | Create or link a website, schedule online, accept credit cards, and more. Marty Fort’s industry-leading system.
Applying for Higher Ed Faculty Positions, via The Musician’s Way Blog.
Association of Teaching Artists. Information and links.
A Career in Music Therapy, from the American Music Therapy Assoc.
Selected Books for Music Educators
The Musician’s Way: A Guide to Practice, Performance, and Wellness, by Gerald Klickstein (Oxford, 2009; 19th printing, 2023).
Higher Education by Design, by Bruce Mackh (Routledge, 2018).
Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning, by Brown, Roediger, McDaniel (Harvard, 2014).
From the Stage to the Studio: How Fine Musicians Become Great Teachers, 2nd Edition, by Watkins & Scott (Oxford, 2023).
Intelligent Music Teaching, by Robert A. Duke, Ph.D. (2005).
Additional book recommendations are posted on pages throughout
Job Listings for Musicians, Singers, Music Educators
International Musician. Orchestra jobs in the US. By subscription. | | European orchestra vacancies.
Orchestras Canada Job Board. (international auditions). (selected U.S. auditions).
League of American Orchestras. Admin., conducting and other jobs.
Musical Chairs. Orchestral and admin. job listings. Arts administration and other jobs.
International Society of Performing Arts – Facebook page.
Bridge: Worldwide Music Connection. Useful database. Free trial.
YapTracker. Opera auditions & voice competitions. $59/year.
See the For Singers page for more voice resources.
Higher Education Job Listings
Chronicle of Higher Education
College Music Society Music Vacancy List (members only)
Higher Education Recruitment Consortium
National Assoc. of Teachers of Singing
Academic Gates | Academic Jobs Online
Association Européenne des Conservatoires
Application Tips: Applying for Faculty Positions by Gerald Klickstein
Higher Ed Faculty Salary Data:
AAUP Faculty Compensation Survey Faculty/Staff Salary Search
K-12 music teaching jobs (US)
NAfME Job Listings
US State Education Agencies | |
ASTA string teaching job board
Other Music Career Job Search Sites
New York Foundation for the Arts. Jobs, internships, resources
Military & Church Music Jobs, via the Peabody Conservatory (scroll down)
ProShip Entertainment. | Landau Music. Cruise ship gigs
Rhinegold Recruitment (UK & EU) | | |
Music Career Advice and Guidance
Music Career Education
Music Career Articles on The Musician’s Way Blog.
Music Career Examples, via the Berklee College of Music. Fiscal sponsorship, ticketing, education, and more.
Flying with Your Instrument. Via the American Federation of Musicians.
How to play in someone else’s band,” by Danny Barnes. Sage advice!
The DIY Musician Blog. From CDBaby.
The Disc Makers Blog, “for independent musicians.” “The new music business.”
CyberPR Blog. Online marketing tips from Ariel Hyatt.
Career Tools from Broadly applicable.
Arts Journal. A digest of arts journalism.
Incorporated Society of Musicians (UK). | Musicians’ Union (UK).
Articles & Resources about Marketing
Sample Press Releases, via
Press Release Format & Template.
Electronic Press Kit (EPK) Tips.
National Arts Marketing Project.
“Make Better Marketing Plans with a SWOT Analysis,” by David Roberts.
“6 case studies on successful online marketing,” by Jill Haverkamp.
Resume, Bio & Writing Tips
Career Center at the Peabody Conservatory.
Institute for Music Leadership. Via the Eastman School.
Guidebooks from the New England Conservatory.
Bios That Inspire by Gerald Klickstein.
Why do you need a bio? by Dan Kimpel.
Recommended Books to Improve Writing Skills:
Sin and Syntax, by Constance Hale
On Writing Well, by William Zinsser
Music Career Development Books
Beyond Talent (3rd ed.), by Angela Beeching (Oxford, 2019).
The Musician’s Way, by Gerald Klickstein (Oxford, 2009; 19th printing, 2023).
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, by David Allen (Penguin, 2002).
Tribes, by Seth Godin. Build communities of followers (2008).
Legal, Copyright, and Tax Resources for Musicians
Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts. U.S., Canada, Australia
VLA New York | VLA Massachusetts | Calif. Lawyers for the Arts
Lawyers for the Creative Arts. Pro-bono legal help in Chicago & Illinois Expense & income worksheets, sample tax return, and more
Legal Resources from
IP Legal Freebies Blog
Liability/Event Insurance for musicians: Insurance Canopy
Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the US. A handy chart
Copyright information & links from NAfME
Copyright Made Simple. A basic introduction from the IMSLP
The Teacher’s Guide to Music, Media, and Copyright Law, by James Frankel (Hal Leonard, 2009)
Salary Information and Employment Statistics for Musicians
Occupational Outlook Handbooks from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Musicians & Singers | Music Directors & Composers.
Occupational Employment and Wages: Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary. From the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Salary Ranges for US Music Positions, via Berklee (2016).
Salary Calculator, via the National Assoc. of Colleges & Employers.
Strategic National Arts Alumni Project. Salary data and more.
Facts and Figures Concerning Music and Higher Education in the United States, via the College Music Society (revised Jan. 2015).
Volunteer Opportunities
Healing with Music. An article on The Musician’s Way Blog.
Americorps (U.S.). Search for volunteer opportunities.
Volunteer Canada.
Music Advocacy
National Association for Music Education.
American String Teachers Association.
League of American Orchestras.
NAMM Foundation.
Save the Music Foundation.
Americans for the Arts.
Future of Music Coalition. Education, research, advocacy.
The International Society for Music Education.
Coalition for Music Education in Canada.
Canadian Music Educators Association.