Collegiate band musicians playing instruments while wearing custom-made masks“Your habits in the practice room make you the musician that you are.”
The Musician’s Way, p. 20

The Fall 2020 issue of The Musician’s Way Newsletter brings together dozens of important resources for musicians, arts administrators, and music lovers.

You’ll find music practice tips, industry news, creative inspiration, and a wealth of up-to-date pandemic-related information.

Musicians & COVID-19

  • Can musicians perform live amid the pandemic?
    Yes, provided that they follow the guidelines compiled in the newsletter concerning ensemble aerosols, mask usage, social distancing, and so forth.
  • How are large ensembles such as orchestras faring?
    Many are in serious financial trouble, and you can read about the effects on musicians and staff.
  • What about music teachers, schools, and students?
    Coping strategies encapsulated in the newsletter are enabling them to pursue their missions, albeit with a range of adaptations.
  • Are musicians suffering mental health consequences?
    Many are, and the newsletter provides helpful resources.

Music Practice Tips, News, Inspiration

This new issue also explore ways to improve music practice and inspire creativity.

On top of that, there’s plenty of music industry news and discussions of diversity and inclusion in classical music.The Musician's Way Book Cover

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© 2020 Gerald Klickstein
Photo via New Mexico State University