two violinists rehearsing - Musician's Way Newsletter“As your performance abilities and coping skills grow, your confidence will become unshakable.”
The Musician’s Way,
p. 170

The Winter/Spring 2022 issue of The Musician’s Way Newsletter compiles resources tailored to novice and veteran musicians alike.

From tips for better practice to strategies for confident performance to guidelines for professional development, topics range from practical advice to inspirational stories.

Fueling Creativity

For starters, our creative energies need steady fueling, so this issue includes articles that ignite creative thinking as well as motivation to practice.

If you’re dealing with pandemic-related burnout, you’ll find resources that reinvigorate creativity and help us recover from the effects of the COVID-19 disaster.

On top of that are heartwarming reports of musicians making impacts across the globe.

Career & Artistic Growth

Music teachers will benefit from readings and a free webinar that explore methods to foster student excellence.

Performers, too, will find articles, grant portals, and more that spur career and artistic growth.

Music lovers of all ages can access videos and stories that magnify our appreciation of everything that music means to humanity.The Musician's Way Book Cover

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© 2022 Gerald Klickstein
Photo licensed from Shutterstock