Pianist practicing on upright piano“It is imperative that all students have access to an equitable delivery of arts education.”
Arts Education Is Essential

The Spring 2020 issue of The Musician’s Way Newsletter has arrived in subscribers inboxes and is being shared widely.

Along with practice and performance insights, this issue focuses on the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on music and arts communities.

Readers will find valuable resources to deal with the pandemic plus top-level journalism highlighting ways that musicians and arts organizations are coping.

Included as well are tips from the Piano Technicians Guild to disinfect keyboard instruments and guidelines from Johns Hopkins University to protect ourselves from the coronavirus.

I’ve shared, too, a pair of finely written memorials to two beloved musicians struck down by COVID-19.

Other articles address the higher education crisis and supply action steps for music schools to innovate.

I’ve also compiled plenty of content to inspire creativity and propel music careers.

If you’d like to subscribe to The Musician’s Way Newsletter, just complete the following form. Your information won’t be shared, as explained in my Privacy Policy; you’ll only receive the newsletter.

I also employ state-of-the-art security, thanks to the intrepid primates at MailChimp.com, who dispatch the newsletter on my behalf.

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The Musician's Way Book CoverRead the Spring 2020 issue of The Musician’s Way Newsletter in your browser.

You can also read 10 years of back issues for free in The MW Newsletter archive.

© 2020 Gerald Klickstein
Photo via Pixabay