photo of two women playing violins“Throw yourself into life as someone who makes a difference.”
–Benjamin Zander, conductor
The Musician’s Way, p. 305

One of the most powerful ways that we can make a difference in life is to do creative work.

Still, unless we choose our aims wisely, we can feel overwhelmed or under-motivated, and then we won’t create.

How can we discern goals that impel us to act?

Goals that Unleash Creativity

I’ve developed a straightforward way to sift out goals that unleash creativity.

These types of aims, which I term Double-A Goals, meet two criteria: they’re Authentic and Attainable.

Authentic creative goals grow out of our values and passions.
Attainable goals concentrate our authentic interests on manageable tasks.

Identifying Double-A Goals

The following exercise will help you identify Double-A Goals that you can tackle right away.

Part I: Title a page in a notebook Goals, and then create two columns respectively headed Authentic and Attainable.

  1. Under Authentic, note a general category that captures your creative passion; your category might be headed, “compose,” “write songs,” “improve my playing/singing,” “broaden my repertoire,” etc. If you have more than one category in mind, note each on a separate page. Write freely, trusting your instincts.
  2. Beneath a category, list broad subcategories that represent the kinds of objectives you’d like to achieve.
    •  A performer looking to expand her repertoire might list several genres or composer’s names.
    •  A musician seeking to compose might jot down things like string quartet, jazz trio, violin duo, piano solo.
    •  An aspiring songwriter might note appealing song styles.
  3. Under the Attainable heading, enter 1 or 2 of the most attainable subcategories from the Authentic column; if you have more than one entry, leave vertical space between them.
  4. Beneath an entry, list one or more ideas for creative projects that you could accomplish at home in 5 days, working for about 30 minutes per day.
    •  The performer intending to enlarge her repertoire might select one composer’s name as a heading and then list 2-3 easy pieces by that artist.
    •  A budding composer might head a column with piano solo and then pen thoughts such as student-level piece; folksong arrangement.
    •  A novice songwriter could opt for a familiar style and then note concepts for songs, e.g., first draft of a love ballad with 3 verses and a chorus.

One Double-A Goal: Take Action

Part II: Title a new page of your notebook Goal One followed by today’s date.

  • Select one or more 5-day goals from the Attainable column and align them as headings across the top of the page; make columns if you have more than one heading.
    1. Beneath a heading, enter specific aims that you could complete in the 5-day/30-minutes-per-day timeframe.
      •   The abovementioned performer might head columns with the titles of pieces and then plot learning strategies.
      •   A composer keen to write a student-level piano piece might note waltz with long base notes & 1-octave melody.The Musician's Way book cover
      •   A songwriter aiming to craft a love ballad could consider different points of view that the song might take.
    2. When you have ample ideas listed, stop and identify the ones that seem most magnetic:
      •   Do they serve your authentic mission?
      •   Are they realistically attainable in 2.5 hours or less?
      •   Do they have a welcoming ring?
    3. Now you choose: circle the one goal that feels the most authentic and attainable.
    4. Next, set aside five 30-minute timeslots to work on your project, and dive in!

For more about realizing your creative goals, see The Musician’s Way.

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How Not to Be Creative
Stoking Motivation
Ten Tips for Ongoing Creativity

© 2011 Gerald Klickstein
Photo © VILevi, licensed from