“Let your community feed your creativity.” –The Musician’s Way, p. 313 If you aspire to present innovative or community-focused performances, there’s plenty of funding available to support those sorts of projects. In fact, many funding organizations are keen to...
If you’re keen to impact more people through your music, and perhaps increase your earnings, then grant funding and partnerships with non-profit organizations can make both possible, but first it’s wise to understand the complete grant cycle. If you have...
“Some of your most gratifying musical experiences will be those that serve the greater good.” –The Musician’s Way, p. 299 Whether we’re looking to raise money to support the likes of concert tours, local performances, or music education programs such as...
“I find my greatest pleasure, and so my reward, in the work that precedes what the world calls success.” –Thomas Edison The Musician’s Way, p. 216 If we musicians want to organize self-produced events – things such as concerts, festivals, and community projects...
“To be a musician in the service of music is not a job; it is a way of life.” –Isaac Stern, violinist The Musician’s Way, p. 299 The music education community is swirling with talk about how best to prepare university-level students for modern-day careers....