classical musicians playing together“In any collaborative enterprise, one of your duties is to help your colleagues feel successful.”
The Musician’s Way, p. 117

It’s not easy to succeed in the music world, and we musicians can sometimes compete with rather than support each other.

Still, we’re all part of the same artistic community, so when we stop being overly competitive and start helping, we and our industry become stronger.

Here are 6 quick ideas to help each other succeed.

Six Ways that Musicians Can Help Each Other Succeed

1. Mentor

Consider mentoring younger musicians – you’ll not only support their goals but also learn things in the process.

2. Share Information

If you performed at a venue that would suit other musicians you know, tell them about it. Similarly, share contact info for good recording studios and other resources.

3. Speak Positively

When we rehearse together, we often zero in on shortcomings, but we help our colleagues excel when we say positive things like, “I enjoy the energy in your playing” or “I’m inspired by your rich sound.”The Musician's Way book cover

4. Attend Performances

Listen to fellow musicians perform, and acknowledge their efforts.

5. Contribute to Colleagues’ Projects

When you can, contribute to colleagues’ activities – musically, financially, logistically or emotionally.

6. Be a Resource

Aim to be a person that other musicians value both as an artist and a supporter of the arts.

The Musician’s Way provides far-reaching guidelines to help you advance as a solo and collaborative performer.

Related posts:
4 Rehearsal Challenges and Ways to Overcome Them
6 Ways to Ignite Synergy in a Group
Collaborative Criticism
Ten Tips for Collaborating Musicians

© 2015 Gerald Klickstein
Photo © Stokkete, licensed from